Thursday 12 June 2008

Morissette Can't Take Any More Heartache

Alanis Morissette is keen to avoid another love break-up - because splits hit her too hard. The singer admits she was devastated when her engagement to actor Ryan Reynolds ended last year and it took her months to recover. And she fears another heartbreak like that could be fatal. She tells the Los Angeles Times newspaper, "I was a full-blown love addict, so it was like, `I can't keep doing this, my body can't take it.' "Break-ups are a horrible thing for almost everybody I know. For someone who is a love addict, it's debilitating." But Morissette is confident her split from Reynolds was her personal rock bottom. She adds, "I've been on a constant journey toward finally surrendering and hitting the rock bottom that I've been avoiding my whole life. "So this was a huge, critical juncture for me. Everything broke, and it was an amazing and horrifying time." Morissette admits she poured all her heartache into her new album Flavors of Entanglement. She explains, "I entered my own version of rehab. I went to therapy - I went to therapy five days a week, I journaled." Her 'therapy' sessions also included remodelling her Los Angeles home and designing a jewellery line.

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